July 10, 2006




50件在雪梨必做的事(copy from Macquarie University,參考用)
1. Go up Centrepoint Tower and see the view (上雪梨塔看全景。四年前曾在上面旋轉餐廳用過餐,不記得吃過什麼了,只記得餐廳真的有在轉,有閒錢的話可以去試試)
2. Visit Taronga Park Zoo (動物園,沒去過)
3. Wander around The Rocks and visit the weekend market (岩石區市集,我滿喜歡的ㄧ個地方,不少有趣的東西可以挖寶,不過價格稍高,目標族群應該是觀光客)
4. Visit the Botanic Gardens and have a picnic (植物園野餐,興趣缺缺)
5. Walk around the Opera House (雪梨歌劇院,沒去過就不算來過雪梨)
6. Take a guided tour of The Opera House (歌劇院館內參觀,有)
7. Walk across the Harbour Bridge (徒步橫越港灣大橋,有行人步道,滿讚的)
8. Walk up the Harbour Bridge pylon to see the view (雪梨港灣大橋上有個瞭望台,上去要錢,這可以免了)
9. Walk over the top of the Harbour Bridge and view the harbour from a great height (攀登港灣大橋Bridge Climb,澳幣165ㄧ人,這次錯過了,下次再來)
10. Walk along the coastal path from Bondi to Bronte (岩著海岸線逛雪梨高人氣海灘)
11. Visit the Sydney Town Hall and Queen Victoria Building and watch the clock strike the hour (參觀市政府和拜占庭式建築的維多利亞女王購物中心。QVB真的不錯逛)
12. Watch the sunrise at the beach (這活動有點無聊)
13. Catch the train and ferry to the Royal National Park & see very old Aboriginal rock carvings, go bushwalking or have a swim at the beach (這在哪,不知道)
14. Go out to Luna Park amusement park in Nth Sydney (是的,就是那個有人臉的遊樂園)
15. Go to the NSW Art Gallery near the Domain and Botanic Gardens (西南威爾斯美術館,沒去過,興趣不高)
16. Walk to Mrs. Macquarie's chair in the Botanic Gardens to see the view of the harbour (麥夸利夫人角,就是可同時看到港灣大橋和歌劇院的最佳拍照點)
17. Go and see some Opera at the Opera House or some live theatre in any of the many small theatres in Sydney (就是在歌劇院的小劇場看了那齣音樂劇MEOWMEOW)
18. Visit the Contemporary Art Museum at Circular Quay or the Australian Museum near Hyde Park (當代藝術博物館或是澳洲博物館,感覺前者可看性較高,而且免費)
19. Catch the ferry to Manly or Mosman or Watson's Bay for lunch or just take in the view (又是高人氣海灘之旅)
20. Go shopping at the weekend markets - Paddy's, Paddington, Glebe, Balmain, The Rocks (只實際逛過Paddington和The Rocks。Paddy's在中國城附近,有路過)
21. Visit Featherdale Wildlife Park, Koala Park or Waratah Park (動物園之類的)
22. Get a weekend return ticket to the Blue Mountains and see The Three Sisters (藍山國家公園有名的三姐妹岩,四年前看過了。坐火車可以到)
23. Walk around, eat, shop or dance at Darling Harbour (達令港,也是ㄧ個熱鬧的景點區,不過輕軌電車太貴了)
24. Visit Birkenhead Point (購物的地方,但興趣缺缺,也不知道是哪裡)
25. Go to the movies in George Street on Tuesday when it's cheap (非常熱鬧的佐治街,不可能錯過的)
26. Catch a bus to beautiful Balmoral Beach in Mosman (又是ㄧ個海灘,不過沒有Manly、Bondi有名的樣子)
27. Catch the train to Wollongong - great ocean view (err..不知道在哪)
28. Eat at Harry's Cafe De Wheels (famous for it's pie) in Woolloomooloo (天哪,我這次漏了這個沒吃)
29. Go to a Night Club in Oxford St or George St (佐治街真的很熱鬧)
30. Eat at the Hard Rock Cafe on Crown St, Darlinghurst (硬石餐廳到處有,不希奇了)
31. Ride the Monorail (這應該指的就是繞行達令港的輕軌電車)
32. Go ice-skating at Narrabeen or the Macquarie Ice Ring (我平衡不大好...)
33. Catch a bus to Palm Beach from Wynyard (又是個我不知道在哪的海灘)
34. Go bodysurfing at Bondi, Manly, Coogee, Cronulla beaches (這些海灘就有名多了,但我不會衝浪)
35. Try yum-cha in Chinatown (中國城飲茶,除非真的很懷念中餐,不然回台灣再吃就好)
36. Visit an island in the harbour eg. Shark island (鯊魚島,不知道是不是真的鯊魚很多)
37. Play beach volleyball (沙灘排球怎也被列為必做50項??)
38. Read the Friday Metro Guide in the Sydney morning Herald and find out what is on each weekend (這是什麼??有好玩嗎)
39. Listen to Jazz at the Strawberry Hill Hotel (聽聽爵士樂也不錯,但是草莓山還沒聽過有人特別推薦)
40. Catch the ferry to Cremorne Point and walk both ways by the water's edge (真的不知道這是哪)
41. Go for a swim at Sydney Uni's heated pool (看到這裡我實在忍不住笑出來,必做50件事包括去雪梨大學游溫水池?不過我倒是聽說雪梨大學可以去看看,大又美)
42. Ask a friend to teach you how to cook something from their culture (多學學別人文化也不錯)
43. Walk around Darling St Balmain, an old part of Sydney (雪梨待的不夠久,真的不知道是哪裡)
44. Walk along Oxford St, Darlinghurst and Paddington and see a more unusual side of Sydney (街道遊覽還不錯)
45. Walk along King St, Newtown for great shops and unusual sub-cultures (沒特別去走國王街,佐治街就很夠瞧了)
46. Visit Homebush Bay - site of the 2000 Olympics. Catch the train to Strathfield, then the Shuttle Bus (奧林匹克運動場,之前去過了,可去看看)
47. Catch the bus to Watson's Bay, walk along the cliffs and all the way to South Head. Have fish and chips for lunch (這裡有個淑女裸體海灘,這麼冷的冬天竟然還賞到"鳥",真夠lucky)
48. Go to the Darling Harbour Aquarium (水族館,上次去過了)
49. Go on a Walking Tour of The Rocks (有夜遊過,適合情侶散步的地方)
50. Catch the ferry to Manly for breakfast, lunch or dinner, then walk alongthe beautiful beach (Manly海灘ㄧ直被提到,可見得真的人氣很旺)

覺得很納悶怎麼沒提到魚市場(Sydney Fish Market),這也是必去之ㄧ,巴士、輕軌電車都可以到達

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